~ The Girls ~

Dear Dalia
Dear Dalia comes from Hamstery Phaléne in the Netherlands. She came to us as an adult having already had one lovely litter. Some of our European hamsters weren’t too sure about this American food. Not Dalia, she attacks it with vigor and lines her burrow with delicious snacks. Dalia, like all the hamsters from her breeder, is a gorgeous. She’s a thick, fabulously marked dove tortoiseshell. Her temperament is just like the rest of her… big and bold. There’s nothing shy or retiring about this girl; she’s an energetic bulldozer in hamster form. If you want to visit with her, talk to her and she’ll wake up to visit you anytime, 24/7… but possibly only to see what treats you’ve brought her. Visits = snacks, she’s very bossy and has me trained like the good pet I am to her.

Agatha came from a breeder in the Netherlands named Peter Braak. She was my mystery hamster. I ordered her sight unseen with no expectations, just knowing that she carried rex (curly hair). I ended up getting Agatha, a cream hamster who carries rex and black with a banded pattern as an extra bonus. She’s one of those hamsters who rewards you for giving her enrichment. She really plays with everything she’s given and uses every last inch of space which keeps her much more content than most female hamsters who tend to be a bit antsy. She’s the kind of hamster someone who likes to play with their hamster would be thrilled with. She’s on the small side but built like a brick, short, stout and astoundingly heavy for her size. We aim to have her pass on her great qualities and improve on her size for following generations.

Frech is a chocolate tortoiseshell girl from Hamstery “of Paradise” in Germany, another great breeder of show hamsters. Frech got her unusual name as it means “sassy” in German and is pronounced similarly to “fresh” in English. When I was a kid, I often had something cheeky to say to my parents who’d tell me not to “get fresh” with them. Frech is a talker, the most vocal hamster I’ve ever met, she has something to say about everything. She has a wide variety of chirps that all sound a bit different… from the “put me back in my cage to feed me”, to the “stop petting and feed me” and “stop interacting with other hamsters and feed me”. She’s a very good potato shaped girl who’s interests include: food, snacks, other snacks, boy hamsters, meals and treats. Have you ever felt like your pet only loves you because you feed them, yeah that’s Frech… and boy, does she love me.
~ The Boys ~

Russet comes from Hamstery Bbeauty in the Netherlands, who breeds top winning show hamsters which are truly phenomenal. Russet arrived here after a very long trip, hopped out of his shipper and seemed instantly content and at home. His type (confirmation) is fabulous; his head and face really are as perfect as I’ve seen. Russet has a great natural temperament and taming him was effortless. That said, he’s no blob hamster! He’s very curious, nosy and active. If something is going on, he wants to investigate in a way that reminds me more of a dog than a hamster. This boy is very special, a testament to great breeding and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have him.

Cricket is a yellow dominant spot VERY long haired little guy, hailing from Tristar Hamsters in England. Tristar is a top breeder of award winning show hamsters. Cricket is just all FLUFF. He’s got the most spectacular long hair I’ve seen. He’s very curious and gentle and likes to be on the move (which is a treat to watch since his majestic cloud of floof waddles with him). Cricket was weaned and shipped unusually young and it appears that has effected his growth. Nevertheless, he comes from a line of big fluffy hamsters and we look forward to his offspring being able to achieve their full genetic potential.

Jet comes from Angelic Hamsters in Germany. He’s our class clown getting his name Jet from an adorable adolescent stage where he hadn’t grown into his big ears and he lifted his tail straight up in the air when he was excited… the combination made him look ready for takeoff! He’s a chocolate dominant spot shorthair satin with a very expressive face. He’s a laid back, lazy, very content hamster who enjoys sleeping in, good food, leisurely strolls on his wheel and grooming himself so intently that he sometimes unbalances himself while sitting on his… ahem… cushions, and tips over sideways. He’s a gentle soul and adorably ridiculous. Aside from his color, pattern and hair type, breeding for hamsters like Jet who are content in a habitat that can be reasonably provided is a priority of ours.

Otto comes from Hamsterzucht Vulpes Gold- und Teddyhamsterzucht in Germany. Otto is just the sweetest hamster that ever has been. He’s a beautiful chocolate long haired boy who just melts in your hands. He’s a little reserved but a total delight to handle. He’s an easy, content guy with two exceptions: he’s obsessed with the odor of girl hamsters… and has tried some unique tricks to try and get to meet one. He also has a love for baby food mush. Mister mild mannered will try to take the entire spoon it’s on and shove it in his pouch. My 2 year old niece has dubbed him “Hammy Take It” for his spoon stealing antics.